get_iplayer Forums blog


New get_iplayer Forums

categories: [ Announcements ]

Several months ago I wrote a very successful 'Complete Beginners Guide to get_iplayer' on my part time personal blog.

Having received an average of over 7,500 unique visitors per month, tens of thousands of page views and hundreds of comments I decided that get_iplayer could do with a permanent place to host guides, forums and notices.

With the blessing of get_iplayer maintainer Dinky Pumpkin, I threw this site together whilst enjoying a weekend of Wimbledon, Glastonbury and the British Grand Prix.

The intent here is not to supersede the efforts of others or claim any glory off the back of Phil Lewis et al who have created and maintained this project over the years. Instead it is my intent to give get_iplayer and its community a modern, easy to use, centralised and interactive venue in which to store guides/documentation, provide troubleshooting and give notice of updates or known errors.

Why do this? Well, why not? I had the hosting space, tools, ability and time to put the site together and I wished to give something back to the community.

I hope it gives get_iplayer a decent 'consumer face' and encourages people who are otherwise unable to access get_iplayer with the resources they need to learn to use this great tool.

Feel free to register an account and post in the forums, or contact me directly via the contact link in the footer if you wish to become a moderator.