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Problems installing get_iplayer-3.0


Apologies in advance. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a novice and don't understand all the technical terms relating to installation so please be gentle!

I am trying to install get_iplayer-3.0

I am using Mac OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6

Until the difficulties of 26/04/17 I have been happily using get_iplayer v2.91 as far as I am aware.

v2.91 must still be installed on my Mac and I don't know how to or even if I should now uninstall it.

I have read the v3.0 release notes and downloaded a zip file from the link provided.

I have also just installed Homebrew as all the previously posted guidance notes seemed to point to this being recommended.

In Terminal, I then keyed the following: -

brew install dinkypumpkin/get_iplayer/get_iplayer

and I received the following message:-

Warning: dinkypumpkin/get_iplayer/get_iplayer-3.00.0 already installed, it's just not linked.

What do I need to do next, please?


You don't say how you installed get_iplayer 2.91. I can only surmise that you attempted a Homebrew installation on top of a manually installed 2.91. I can't really help you unpick it because only you know what you actually did. I suggest you completely uninstall Homebrew and any applications installed with it (assuming you only installed Homebrew for get_iplayer). See for information on completely uninstalling Homebrew. With that done, perform a fresh manual installation of get_iplayer.


You are correct!

I've been using get i_player (v2.91) until 26.04.17.

I then stopped using it as advised by the banner message on this site and waited for what emerged as v3.00.

On release of v3.00 I followed the release notes which led me (I believed correctly) to install Homebrew and subsequently I tried to install get i_player v3.00.

I did only install Homebrew for get i_player so will now uninstall it (thanks for the "how to" link) and will attempt a manual get i_player install.

Thanks for your reply.


I have successfully uninstalled Homebrew.

From the macOS Installation notes under the Manual Installation heading I attempted to install Mojolicious.

Was this correct?

It didn't install. I received an error message - please see attached textlog.

What should I do next, please?



It won't install if you don't spell the module name correctly


I copied and pasted it from the installation notes quoted below: -

Because the Mojolicious module is not installed with the system Perl on macOS, you will need to install it in the local library you just set up. Install Mojolicious with:

cpanm Mojolicous


Hoisted by my own petard. Doc is fixed now


Retried with correct spelling, i.e.

cpanm Mojolicious

but received the following: -

-bash: cpanm: command not found


Open a fresh Terminal window and try again


Fresh Terminal window opened. Same outcome: - 

-bash: cpanm: command not found


Then you didn't successfully complete the previous section of the instructions re: installing cpanminus and local::lib.



I will have to pause for now and will retry later in the day.

Thanks again for your support.


Sorry for abandoning my attempts at installation yesterday - I had to go to work!

This morning,amongst other things, I have read the thread entitled "get_iplayer 3.00 on OSX 10.7?".

In it I read the following quote: - 

"The BBC has made a mug out of me by speeding up their schedule pages, so now Mojolicious isn't quite so necessary. Thus for now it might be enough to simply omit Mojolicious on dead macOS. However, that won't be possible with future releases of get_iplayer"

My difficulties yesterday seemed to rest on my not being able to install Mojolicious.

As today I read that Mojolicious isn't so essential after all apparently, I thought I'd open a new terminal window, execute  a --pid command and see what happens.

Happy to report all seems good. I have successfully downloaded two tv programmes.

Thank you for your patience yesterday...and thank you for your efforts in all the get_iplayer work you do.


That answers that question then. Thanks.

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