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Confused by the switch to JSON


I've been using get_iplayer for years, very happily, using my own wrapper to allow me to more accurately download programs in specific categories or series. I'd basically built my own front-end

The deprecation of the .xml feeds has broken that, and I'm unsure how to proceed. I used the following .XML addresses:

  1.{$media_type}/p...player.xml — to get all the programmes in a genre
  2.{$se...player.xml — to get a list of episodes in a series
  3.{$pid}.xml — to get details about a programme or series
It attempting to find the JSON equivalents, I've managed to replace the first one with{...layer.json — which is OK, though it doesn't differentiate between TV and Radio.

But I can't find any equivalents for the second and third — not that work reliably, anyway. For example, returns some useful information, but not the programmes in that series. Likewise returns nothing of any use at all!

Unfortunately I don't know perl well enough to work out how get_iplayer now gets that information, or even whether it's still possible.

Can anyone help?


This link still works to get the programmes in a series:


Thanks, that's really helpful.


I'm in a similar position - I have a utility which (used to) get future Radio 4 and Radio 4 Extra schedules as xml sources, sort them and show me what's going to be broadcast in the next fews day in a grid, colour coded as to whether I have a previously listened to that series or not, so for example I scan spot an upcoming Goon Show which I haven't heard before.

But the switch off has ended that! I see get_iPLayer is still able to download some schedule data but despite a lot of tinkering I can't figure out how to get a schedule i.e. the equivalent of or

Any thoughts?



(04-05-2017, 01:29 PM)but despite a lot of tinkering I can't figure out how to get a schedule i.e. the equivalent of or

Not an exact substitute for upcoming schedules, but the unofficial RSS feeds at have an 'upcoming' link for each category, usually giving 7 days notice of upcoming programmes.

I'm also working on a downloadable rolling 30-day archive/cache of the BBC's (sole?) remaining json schedule feed (which is for the current day only).


Sorry folks, this isn't even remotely connected to get_iplayer. Thread closed.

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