get_iplayer Frequently Asked Questions


Basic questions

I'm not in the UK, can I use get_iplayer?

You need a UK IP address to download TV programmes with get_iplayer, just like you would if you used the BBC iPlayer service. You can download lower-quality (96kbps or 48kbps) radio programmes from outside the UK. Any and all use of get_iplayer outside the UK is not supported.

Does get_iplayer circumvent DRM?

No. get_iplayer does not circumvent any digital rights management security (see the BBC’s website on how to do that with the Windows-only DRM content they provide).

Installing get_iplayer

  1. How do I install get_iplayer on Mac OS X?
  2. How do I install get_iplayer on Windows?
  3. How do I install get_iplayer on Ubuntu based Linux?
  4. How do I install get_iplayer on other Linux or BSD distros?

Downloading TV programmes

  1. How do I search for programmes using get_iplayer?
  2. How do I record a programme with get_iplayer?
  3. Where does get_iplayer save downloaded programmes?
  4. How do I specify or change the quality level of programmes downloaded in get_iplayer?
  5. How do I make sure get_iplayer downloads a TV show and not a Radio programme?
  6. How do I make sure get_iplayer downloads from the correct channel?
  7. How do I make get_iplayer automatically rename downloaded programmes?
  8. How do I make get_iplayer automatically rename downloaded programmes for use with XBMC and Plex?
  9. How do I change or specify where get_iplayer saves downloaded programmes?
  10. How do I permanently change where get_ipayer saves downloaded TV programmes?

Downloading radio programmes

  1. How do I search for radio programmes using get_iplayer?
  2. How do I record a radio programme with get_iplayer?
  3. Where does get_iplayer save downloaded radio programmes?
  4. How do I specify or change the quality level of radio programmes downloaded in get_iplayer?
  5. How do I make get_iplayer automatically convert radio programmes to MP3?
  6. How do I change or specify where get_iplayer saves downloaded radio programmes?
  7. How do I permanently change where get_ipayer saves downloaded radio programmes?